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Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar

Last updated:Feb 21, 2025

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Synthetic Aperture RadarInSAR

Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a remote sensing method that produces radar imagery by emitting successive radio frequency (RF) waves and receiving their reflected echoes. SAR polarimetry, known as PolSAR, refers to the measurement and analysis of the polarisation state of these radio waves, which provides additional information on the surface structure, geometry and material properties of the Earth’s surface. PolSAR enables the enhanced classification of terrain types, vegetation, and urban features through the analysis of different polarisation responses. 1) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Figure 1: PolSAR imagery acquired over the Star City cosmonaut training centre in Moscow. This imagery from X-SAR onboard the SIR-C mission was produced using three radar channels, red (L-band) for agricultural areas, blue (C-band) for urban areas, and green (L-band) for forested areas.

Polarisation is a property of all electromagnetic plane waves, referring to the alignment and regularity of their electric and magnetic components. Radar emission can be polarised in different directions, for example, single direction, horizontal-horizontal (HH) or vertical-vertical (VV), where the first letter designates the transmit direction and the second the receiving. Dual polarisation systems transmit in one direction, while receiving in both, producing either HH/HV or VV/VH imagery. Quad-pol systems alternate between transmitting H and V waves, and receive both, producing HH, HV, VV, and VH imagery.

Figure 2: Polarisation combinations for SAR signals. (Image credit: ASF)

The enhanced information provided by PolSAR is possible due to the scattering of radio waves with different surfaces. The four primary scattering effects in PolSAR are:

  • Surface scattering occurs on flat surfaces, such as roads, dry soil or calm water, where the radar signal reflects away from the sensor, resulting in strong VV polarisation and low backscatter.
  • Volume scattering occurs in vegetation, ice and snow, where the radar signal scatters multiple times inside the medium. This results in high backscatter in cross-polarisation and allows polarimetric SARs to retrieve biomass and canopy structure information.
  • Double bounce scattering occurs when a radar signal reflects off of perpendicular surfaces, producing strong backscatter, especially in HH/VV polarisation.
  • Helix scattering occurs in complex metallic structures, detectable only by quad-pol systems. 1) 4) 5) 6)
Figure 3: Visualisation of volume, surface (specular) and double-bounce scattering (Image credit: T. Yuan Et al.)


Example Products

Polarimetric Decomposition Products

Polarimetric decomposition products break down SAR backscatter into different scattering mechanisms, with surface, volume and double-bounce scattering being the most common. This data can be visualised as RGB imagery by assigning each scattering component a colour. 2) 3) 4) 7)

Figure 4: Production of a Polarimetric Decomposition RGB Visualisation (Image Credit: NASA JPL)

Polarimetric decomposition is most effective for urban monitoring through its identification of double-bounce scattering, forestry studies through volume scattering, and water body reflections through surface scattering. The use of these three scattering mechanisms is known as Freeman-Durden Decomposition. 2) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Figure 5: Example of Freeman-Durden polarimetric decomposition visualisation of the Yarmouk Basin in Jordan (Image Credit: Al-Bakri et al.)

Extending upon the three component model, Yamaguchi decomposition, known as the four component model, introduces helix scattering to the other scattering components. This allows better discrimination of human-made metallic objects such as bridges or power lines, although it requires quad-pol SAR data which is not provided by all polarimetric SAR satellites. 6) 7)

Figure 6: Yamaguchi decomposition ALOS imagery over Beijing. (b) shows Yamaguchi decomposition with disorientation applied (Image credit: JAXA)

Alternatively, Cloude-Pottier decomposition, also known as the entropy-alpha anisotropy method, does not assume specific scattering models, but instead classifies scattering randomness using anisotropy to determine the dominant scattering type for each area of the target. Values near zero entropy indicate simple scattering (e.g. surface scattering), whereas values approaching one signify complex scattering, such as double-bounce and volume scattering. Cloude-Pottier decomposition is highly applicable in soil moisture and land cover classification, although it does not separate backscatter into physical components. 6) 7)

Figure 7: Cloude-Pottier Decomposition Visualisation of the Red Sea coastline in Egypt, including imagery from ALOSWorldView-1, and RapidEye (Image credit: Abdel-Hamid at al)

Finally, Pauli decomposition visualises polarimetric differences in RGB format by separating SAR data into HH-VV, HV/VH and HH+VV components. This enables quick and intuitive land cover interpretation but does not physically separate scattering mechanisms, instead highlighting polarimetric differences. 6) 7)

Figure 8: Pauli Decomposition Visualisation of the western Florida Everglades, including imagery from TerraSAR-XRapidEye, and Landsat (Image Credit: Hong et al)


Land Cover Classification Maps

A key Level 3 data product in SAR polarimetry is the creation of land classification maps, where variables are mapped to a uniform space-time grid. These maps utilise decomposition methods to identify scattering patterns to classify land cover types in the target area, supporting applications in land use monitoring, forestry and agriculture. 1) 6) 7)

Figure 9: Sentinel-1A Land Use/Land Cover Classification Map of Gondar City, Ethiopia (Image Credit: Dagne et al.)


Forest Biomass and Vegetation Height Maps

SAR Polarimetry can also be used to map vegetation height and density, and is achieved by classifying the observed scattering mechanisms received from known forested areas. Each scattering pattern provides information on different components of the forest area. For example, surface scattering indicates bare soil exposure and ground layer characteristics, volume scattering indicates canopy density and foliage structure, and double bounce scattering indicates the presence of denser biomass, such as tree trunks. 1) 6) 7)

Figure 10: ALOS-2 generated Forest Biomass Estimation Map of Chengde, China (Image Credit: Liu, et al.)


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1) Basics of SAR Polarimetry, 10 June 2024, URL: https://natural-resources.canada.ca/maps-tools-and-publications/satellite-imagery-elevation-data-and-air-photos/educational-resources/tutorial-radar-polarimetry/basics-sar-polarimetry/9583

2) ESA, and Skywatch. “Sentinel-1 Toolbox.” March 2015, URL: https://step.esa.int/docs/tutorials/S1TBX%20Polarimetry%20Tutorial.pdf

3) Ghosh, Sujata, and Nidhi Chaubey. Analysis of Different SAR Decomposition Methods using EOS-4 Polarimetric Data for Urban and Natural Features. Advanced Data Processing Research Institute, 6 November 2023, URL: https://incaindia.org/images/uploads/Paper%20-%2042.pdf

4) Natural Resources Canada, and Carleton University. “SAR Polarimetry.” URL: https://dges.carleton.ca/courses/IntroSAR/Winter2019/SECTION%203%20-%20Carleton%20SAR%20Training%20-%20SAR%20Polarimetry%20%20-%20Final.pdf

5) “Polarimetry | Get to Know SAR – NASA-ISRO SAR Mission (NISAR).” Nisar, URL: https://nisar.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/get-to-know-sar/polarimetry/

6) Pottier, Eric. “Introduction to SAR Polarimetry.” Hungarian Space Office, 4 September 2017, URL: https://eo4society.esa.int/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2017Land_D2T2-P_Pottier_Polarimetry.pdf

7) Pottier, Eric. “SAR POLARIMETRY Basics Concepts, Advanced Concepts and Applications.” European Space Agency, 21 January 2013, URL: https://earth.esa.int/eogateway/documents/20142/37627/PolSAR-2013-Basic-Concepts.pdf