
Satellite Missions Catalogue


Last updated:Aug 21, 2023



Operational (nominal)






Launched on June 30, 2022, NeuSAR is Singapore’s first high-performance Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) microsatellite. The satellite, which is supported by Singapore's Office for Space Technology and Industry (OSTIn), was designed and developed by DSO National Laboratories (DSO) along with local space research partners and international industry partners. NeuSAR is the world’s first fully polarimetric small satellite SAR.

Quick facts


Mission typeEO
AgencyOSTIn, DSO
Mission statusOperational (nominal)

Artist's rendition of NeuSAR Satellite with antenna deployed. (Image credit: DSO)


Mission Capabilities

NeuSAR carries a single instrument, a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). The SAR instrument can image in two modes, strip imaging, which involves continuous observation across the orbital path, for coverage of large areas, and spot imaging, which involves repeated observation of a single point, for high resolution image generation.

Performance Specifications

In strip imaging mode, the instrument has a swath width of 5.5 km, a product length of 28 km and a maximum scene length of 350 km, as well as a spatial resolution of 2 m x 2 m. For spot imaging mode, NeuSAR has a swath width of 4 km, a maximum scene length of 4 km, as well as a spatial resolution 1.5 m x 0.5 m.

Space and Hardware Components

The NeuSAR microsatellite bus has a mass of 160 kg. While space-based SAR imagery has historically only been available through large satellites, DSO has successfully deployed a SAR imager on a microsatellite, reducing the cost of SAR imagery.


NeuSAR is Singapore’s first high-performance microsatellite equipped with a fully polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). The satellite, which is supported by Singapore's Office for Space Technology and Industry (OSTIn), was designed and developed by DSO National Laboratories (DSO) along with local space research partners and international industry partners. NeuSAR is Singapore’s first commercial SAR satellite and serves as a pathfinder to explore the commercial potential of a small SAR satellite constellation. DSO and OSTIn’s industry partner for the commercialisation of  NeuSAR’s imaging data is ST Engineering Geo-Insights. NeuSAR is the world’s first fully polarimetric small satellite SAR and is able to collect full polarimetric images to provide enhanced details in the imaged scene, including the shape of objects within. 1) 4) 5) 11)


NeuSAR is a high-performance microsatellite, with a mass of 160 kg. While space-based SAR imagery has historically only been available through large satellites (mass greater than 1,000 kg), DSO have successfully deployed a SAR imager on a microsatellite, offering a low-cost solution for the provision of SAR imagery. Due to the low cost nature of the platform, it has become feasible to proliferate the NeuSAR mission into a constellation, capable of achieving higher revisit SAR imagery.2) 6) 9) 11)

Figure 1: NeuSAR Satellite with antenna deployed. (Image credit: DSO)


NeuSAR was launched on June 30, 2022 aboard an Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) alongside two other Singaporean satellite missions: DS-EO and SCOOB-I from the second launch pad in the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, India.

Figure 2: India's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle lifts off from the Indian east coast with three Singaporean Satellites, including NeuSAR. (Image Credit: ISRO)

The rocket flew in its “Core Alone” configuration without any strap-on solid rocket boosters, sending the three payloads into a 570 km orbit inclined 10 degrees at the equator and a 96 minute orbital period. The launch was a success and the chairman of ISRO, S.Smanath, announced that “all satellites were placed in the right orbit”. 1) 4) 7)

Mission Status

  • September 16, 2022: DSO announced that the NeuSAR satellite was, for the first time, ready to provide all-weather imaging capabilities
  • July 1, 2022: NeuSAR established communications with the ground station, following its June 30 launch.
  • June 30, 2022: The NeuSAR satellite, alongside two others, DS-EO and SCOOB-I, was launched aboard an Indian Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle at 0832 EDT. The launch was designated PSLV-C53 by ISRO. 1) 4)

Sensor Complement

The NeuSAR mission carries a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). It is capable of two different imaging modes, strip imaging and spot imaging. Strip imaging will be used for coverage of large areas, while spot imaging will be used for the generation of high resolution imagery.

Table 1: Specifications of the NeuSAR imager.


Swath Width

 Product Length

Maximum Scene Length

Spatial Resolution

Strip Imaging

5.5 km

28 km

350 km

2 m x 2 m

Spot Imaging

4 km

4 km

4 km

1.5 m x 0.5 m


Unlike traditional electro-optical satellite imagery, which can be restricted to day imaging and hindered by atmospheric conditions such as rainfall or cloud cover, NeuSAR will be able to produce all-weather, day or night imagery, due to its SAR imager. Furthermore, NeuSAR is the world’s first fully polarimetric small satellite SAR, providing enhanced details of imaged scenes, and enabling the differentiation between man-made and natural backgrounds as well as between different types of terrain and vegetation. 1) 2) 3) 5) 6) 9) 10)

Figure 3: SAR image collected over Eastern Singapore on July 8, 2022. (Image credit: DSO)


1) Clark, Stephen. “Indian rocket launches three satellites for Singapore – Spaceflight Now.” Spaceflight Now, 30 June 2022, URL: https://spaceflightnow.com/2022/06/30/indian-rocket-launches-three-satellites-for-singapore/

2) “DSO.” DSO, URL: https://www.dso50.com.sg/chapter-4/4a/neusar

3) “EO Satellite Launches & Satellite Selfie.” Pixalytics Ltd, 6 July 2022, URL: https://www.pixalytics.com/eo-sat-launches-selfie/

4) “ISRO launches three Singapore satellites into orbit.” Scroll.in, 30 June 2022, URL: https://scroll.in/latest/1027312/isro-launches-three-singapore-satellites-into-orbit

5) “MMA Design's next generation DaHGR antenna launches with Singapore's NeuSAR Mission – SatNews.” SatNews, 11 August 2022, URL: https://news.satnews.com/2022/08/11/mma-designs-next-generation-dahgr-antenna-launches-with-singapores-neusar-mission/

6) “NeuSAR.” Geo-Insights, URL: [web source no longer available]

7) “NEUSAR Satellite details 2022-072C NORAD 52937.” N2YO.com, 30 June 2022, URL: https://www.n2yo.com/satellite/?s=52937

8) “Our Constellation.” Geo-Insights, URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20240711144949/https://geo-insights.ai/home/_our_constellation/

9) “Singapore Launches Its First Locally Developed Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Microsatellite.” DSO National Laboratories, 1 July 2022, URL: https://www.dso.org.sg/media-centre/media-release/1606

10) “Singapore's first locally developed synthetic aperture radar (SAR) microsatellite is ready to provide all-weather imaging.” Singapore Economic Development Board, 16 September 2022, URL: https://www.edb.gov.sg/en/about-edb/media-releases-publications/singapore-first-locally-developed-synthetic-aperture-radar-microsatellite-is-ready-to-provide-all-weather-imaging.html

11) “A tiny island peeks into the vastness of space - ISawTheScience.” ISawTheScience, 2 November 2022, URL: https://blog.science.edu.sg/2022/11/02/istssatellite/